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Hops Infusion


Birrificio Weyerbacher Brewing Company
Nazione United States
Stile American-Style India Pale Ale
Grado 6,1 %

Hops Infusion is loaded with piney, citrusy notes, much hops complexity, and a strong foundation of malt underneath it all.. Glowing a deep amber color, Hops Infusion is brewed with seven types of hops. Simcoe, Magnum, Cascade, Liberty, Saaz, Fuggles and E. Kent Goldings give this beer the complexity that's so interesting. Our brewers intention on Hops Infusion was to create a complexity of hops flavor and aromas, not found in any other beer. Originally developed for our BrewPub (no longer open), Hops Infusion was ahead of its time in 1998, but eventually became over shadowed by plethora of entries from other brewers in the India Pale Ale category, with everyone pushing the envelope on hops content more and more. So, in late 2005 we redesigned this beer with an entirely new recipe and new packaging as well. The results are unmistakable, Hops Infusion is clearly a leading IPA once again. We brew Hops Infusion (6.2% ABV, 1.068 OG) all year 'round. So if your local beer store doesn't have it, tell 'em to get moving!

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