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Bitter Woman IPA


Birrificio Tyranena Brewing
Nazione United States
Stile American-Style India Pale Ale
Grado 5,75 %

Lest we forget Aunt Cal, an early resident of Lake Mills. Local history remembers her for blindly running into a hitching post and saying, "Excuse me, Dr. Dodge!" It was said that she was an old sweetheart of the famous American poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. And she still had the love letters to prove it! Sadly, Aunt Cal never wed. We brewed our Bitter Woman IPA the way we imagine Aunt Cal may have been, very fruity and intensely bitter. So lift up a pint of Bitter Woman IPA and toast Aunt Cal and the bitter woman you know. Cheers! Bitter Woman IPA is our Wisconsin variation of an India Pale Ale. This beer is intensely bitter with a mighty hop flavor and aroma.

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