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Alaskan IPA


Birrificio Alaskan Brewing
Nazione United States
Stile American-Style India Pale Ale
Grado 6,1 %

India Pale Ales are characterized by intense hop flavor and aroma accompanied by higher alcohol content. This style possesses medium maltiness and body while also being crisp and dry. Citrus flavors and aromas are moderate to very strong. Alaskan IPA is honey gold in color with a fruity, citrus aroma. An enticing blend of hops and our dry hopping process, in which hops are added directly to tanks during fermentation, give this brew a very intense, complex aromatic character with a refreshing hop finish. Alaskan IPA is made from glacier-fed water and a generous blend of the finest quality European and Pacific Northwest hop varieties and premium two-row and specialty malts. Our water originates in the 1,500-square-mile Juneau Ice Field and from more than 90 inches of rainfall each year.

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