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Old Milwaukee


Birrificio Pabst Brewing Company
Nazione United States
Stile American-Style Lager
Grado 4,5 %

Old Milwaukee. A trusted, high quality beer that continually receives the highest awards and accolades from Beer experts across America. Old Milwaukee has a long history of celebrating "Blue Collar" sensibility. Simply said, good beer at a fair price. Old Milwaukee has always represented America's core values: Honesty, integrity, hard work and love for your family. Speaking of family, the Old Milwaukee Family has a beer that is right for you. Old Milwaukee when you want a full bodied, full flavor American Lager. OM Light when you are in the mood for a lighter tasting beer with fewer calories. And don't forget OMNA, our flavorful non-alcoholic beer for those moments when you want the taste of America' best tasting beer without the alcohol content.

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