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Scratch #12 2008


Birrificio Troegs Brewing
Nazione United States
Stile American-Style India Pale Ale
Grado 6,5 %

In our never-ending pursuit of answering the burning question of what’s new, we present Scratch #12-2008, an IPA. The IPA is a fickle beast; too much malt and you veer into a high-octane hopbomb, while too little hops can question a beer’s virility. In these chaotic days of shrinking hop harvests, balance is key to a proper IPA. Scratch #12-2008 delivers an intense pine nose married with a subtle wildflower aroma. The Thames Valley yeast adds an earthy nod to traditional English IPAs, while the American hops provide a bold contrasting bitterness. Breath deep, relax, enjoy.

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