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Imperial Red


Birrificio Rogue Ales
Nazione United States
Stile American-Style Amber/Red Ale
Grado 9 %

Imperial Red is the newest addition to Rogues award winning Imperial Family of XS products. The Imperial Red recipe originates from Rogues Eugene City Brewery and is being produced in Newport for distribution (note, initially during 2007 in kegs only to JLS accounts. A 750-ml ceramic swing-top bottle and 13.2 gallon kegs will be available in 2008.) Imperial Red has already garnered international acclaim and awards, including a Bronze Medal at the 2006 Great American Beer Festiva and recently it was named Grand Champion at the US Beer Tasting Championships! Deep copper chestnut color with toffee, brown sugar, nuts, and spice amomas. A rich supple entry leads to an off-dry medium body of tangy raisins and citrus marmalade, bittersweet chocolate, and mild spice flavors. It finishes with a long nutty, fruity fade. Imperial Red is brewed with Crystal, Chocolate, Munich and two-row Pale Malts; Palisade and Aroma Crystal hops, Pacman Yeast, and Free Range Coastal Waters.

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